Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

What the best birthday present you received? What is the best one you gave?

The first best birthday that I have received is while I in form 5. Where is my brother given me the watch that is suitable for me. He buys for my birthday present with his own money. He just works as a dispatcher at Cognis Company. Although the salary is just only enough for him, he never forgets to buy a present to me. I appreciate that his present and until now I still keep that watch, although their string had break. Well, I appreciate that present until now because he love me very much and I will never forget that day when I in form 5 in 2004.

My second best birthday present that I have received is at last year in 2006. Where is my parent given me the Sony Ericsson telephone. At the beginning, I just joke that I want the telephone for my birthday present. That day happen is before my birthday. When my birthday arrive, I think my parents will give me that the telephone but my mother said, my father not enough money to buy my present because before 3 day arrive my birthday my father had an accident. My father impinges a motorcycle. So, my fathers need to pay the motorcycle that have damage and for my birthday present my father make a promise to buy it for the next month. Well, the promise is desire and I get the present in month of August. Until now I used the Sony Ericsson telephone and I will appreciate that all presents that I have. I will never to destroy it.

The best that I had given it is I sing for my boyfriend birthday in last years. First time I sing for man and the man is my boyfriend now. He also special in my heart. At the first I wish like usual and said something for my feeling on him. With respect him as my boyfriend and honest be together with him. The best present that I have given to him is I disgorge all about my feeling on him. After that I sing for him, he wants me to sing for him for everyday. He said, he appreciate that what I have given to him and thanks to be his first love and he love me forever and ever. Also he wants me to be he wife. InsyaALLAH……..

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